HR Links

Human Resources

HR Toolkit by Nova Scotia Works

The HR toolkit is to support Nova Scotian employers recruit and retain staff. The Kit includes HR management basics, HR resources and resources to find employees through the Province of Nova Scotia. HR toolkit

The Emerit HR toolkit includes resources, best practices for staffing, and how to create a HR strategy.

HR Support Online

HRdownloads is an online human resources platform where employers can find HR solutions such as policy creation, templates, job descriptions and live HR advice that is industry specific.

Pay Resources

Government of Nova Scotia Pay Scales

This document outlines bi-weekly or hourly rates and approximate annual salary rates for employees as of 1 April 2022.

Payroll Deductions Online Calculator

The Government of Canada provides this deduction calculator free of charge.


Payroll Calculator 

PAYEVO is a general payroll calculator.

Labour and Rights Resources

Nova Scotia Labour Code 2023

The purpose of this Guide is to help people understand how Nova Scotia Labour Standards legislation applies to employment relationships, and the role of the Nova Scotia Labour Standards Division in enforcing the legislation. 

The Guide covers topics such as wages, the right to refuse work, termination of employment and more.

Employment Rights

The Labour Standards legislated by the Nova Scotia government are the minimum employment regulations that employers and employees have to follow.